There is a new press release from Allan Gray about QROPS in South Africa. Allan Gray is one of the most respected and well-known fund management groups in South Africa …
UK Pension Transfers
UK Pension Transfers Statement of the obvious, but those considering UK pension transfers should do so only after consideration of the facts. UK members of pensions are being recommended overseas …
Who should transfer their UK Pension?
The questions arising about who should transfer their UK pension from a final salary scheme is something we see daily in articles, blogs and adverts. I have recently heard of …
MiFiD 2- A gamechanger or a showstopper?
MiFiD 2 is due to come into force on 3rd January 2018, though it may take a little time for EU regulators to get to grips with it. MiFiD 2 …
Finance Bill 2017 | Expat Advice
The Finance Bill 2017 has been trimmed down somewhat due to the proximity of the election. The opposition and the Government agreed to drop any contentious measures in order to …
Retire Overseas
Retiring Overseas A recently published document has warned expats needing financial advice that live in Spain, Canada, France, Dubai and Australia to be extra vigilant, as these are main centres where …
Expat Investment Advice
Expat Investment Advice Whether it be pensions, savings plans or lump sum investments, expat investment advice is a big industry. Given the number of people taking expat investment advice , …
QROPS in France
QROPS in France The new CRS requirements led me to wonder how this could affect those with a QROPS in France or those who live in France and are considering …
FATCA equivalent to HMRC QROPS CRS reporting rules?
Similarities between HMRC QROPS , CRS reporting rules and the US FATCA have been made by the head of TMF pensions , Aisa Group has also been raising the issue …
Ubiquitous 1% servicing fee on Expat Investments
Ubiquitous 1% servicing fee on Expat Investments Expat investments are becoming very much the subject, given the move towards transparency. Is being transparent enough for expat investments? Just because you …