QROPS Budget

Tax and Succession Planning in Spain

Be Legal – Be Smart – Be Prepared The importance of helping clients become what we at Stein call “Financially Well Organised” cannot be overstated. It will save you and …

Pensions Freedom

Pensions Freedom, an Alternative View Much has been written in the press about the changes to the way you can access your pension fund through Pensions Freedom. In some of …


Lifetime Allowance 5 Key Facts

  We are now into a new UK tax year, let’s look at: Lifetime Allowance 5 Key Facts Current Lifetime Allowance 5 Key Facts (LTA) The LTA is now £1million, …

Money down the drain

Drawdown vs UFPLS

Since 2006, there have been a lot of changes to UK pensions and especially the terminology, Flexi-access drawdown and the Uncrystallised Funds Pension Lump Sum are examples. April 2015 introduced the …