Gold and Silver investing versus investing in equities. People tend to dwell on equity investment returns, individual stocks rather than Gold and Silver investing. Much is known about the Nasdaq …
FCA launch anti-Pension Scams and Unregulated Illiquid Investments crackdown
A recent article in the FT Adviser covered concerns about pension scams and unregulated illiquid investments as a result of pension transfer advice that originated in the UK. This is …
Fraudsters Clone FCA Register and Website
The FCA (Financial Conduct Authority) has warned the public about fraudsters and cloning on Twitter today. This has also been picked up by some financial journals. It appears that this …
Abridged Advice
The long awaited FCA policy document for Abridged advice was released on 5th June. This is effective from 1st October 2020. Abridged Advice and Contingent Fees From that date, the …
Saving For Retirement
While saving for retirement is essential, we understand why it may be low on the list of things for you to think about. However, we want to give you something …
Are Offshore Bonds a tax-effective way to invest?
A couple of years ago, we discussed the merits of offshore bonds in an article for International Adviser that was used as its Continued Professional Development Corner. We think it …
Surviving Covid-19 as an Investment or Adviser firm or network
Surviving Covid-19 on a personal level is, of course, paramount to everyone in terms of health but soon attention will swap to surviving financially. Whilst, for all our national economies …
Three-month defined benefit pension transfer freeze
On Friday 27th March, The Pensions Regulator announced an effective three-month defined benefit pension transfer freeze, referred to in this article. Multiple reasons have been given. It allows trustees more …
Coronavirus Investment Strategy
In light of recent events, our Investment Team have devised a Coronavirus Investment Strategy. Our Coronavirus Investment Strategy as of March 25th, 2020: Since the 10th March, the systematic shutdown …
Best Country To Retire?
Which is the best country to retire to? Brexit has thrown open discussions about how those who are retired and living in the EU will be affected, for those thinking …