Beacon Global to help Aisa Int’l accommodate US expats

US expats

Beacon Global Group Europe, a Netherlands-based wealth adviser network specialising in looking after American expats, has entered into a strategic agreement to assist the international arm of Aisa Group with its US expat clients, the companies have announced.

You can read about it here

This follows on from our blog about those US expats that need advice about their current 401k/IRA pensions but are not able to find any company that can advise them.

US expats- getting advice

Leaving investments without a regular review, over an extended period of time, will result in far lower returns. To use an analogy, if a car is not serviced then its performance will be affected too.

However, getting this advice is difficult, if not impossible, and many US advisers will not deal with their compatriots unless they are US resident.

Aisa International and Beacon, between them, have licences for the US and many other jurisdictions that will finally give those US expats (and others that have worked and accrued pensions in the US) access to much needed advice that complies with the SEC rules this is transparent, cost effective and deliverable.

Of course, such international employees amass pensions in more countries than just the US and so dealing with firms like Beacon and Aisa International (which includes OpesFidelio as part of the Aisa Group) ensures that all-round advice on pensions can be provided.

The views expressed in this article are not to be construed as personal advice. You should contact a qualified and ideally regulated adviser in order to obtain up to date personal advice with regard to your own personal circumstances. If you do not then you are acting under your own authority and deemed “execution only”. The author does not accept any liability for people acting without personalised advice, who base a decision on views expressed in this generic article. Where this article is dated then it is based on legislation as of the date. Legislation changes but articles are rarely updated, although sometimes a new article is written; so, please check for later articles or changes in legislation on official government websites, as this article should not be relied on in isolation.

This article was republished on 14th December 2018


Chris Lean

Chris is a Chartered Financial Planner who writes blogs and articles to simplify and explain some of the financial issues that affect UK expats. Subjects include; hot topics, regulation and the ever-changing world of finance.

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