Apple IOS 9

So IOS 9 is here!

As many of our clients are mobile and based away from the office while they carry out their work activities, staying in contact with friends and family back home and of course looking out for the children.  I thought you may like a quick run down of whats new with the new operating system for Apple ISO 9.

IOS9             iphone ipad

  • Apple maps: Now include train, bus and underground connections to major cities including London and New York, you can also see if there are any delays on your planned route.
  • Settings: Settings now has a useful search feature, if you every get frustrated trying to find that particular options that you need to adjust IOS9 now allows you to type in the setting you are seeking and like magic it appears in a drop down menu.
  • iCloud: Have you ever put things in iCloud on your mac then had trouble finding them on your iPhone? IOS9 allows you to view all of your files on your iCloud storage and even ask’s you with you want to add the iCloud icon to your home screen once you have installed IOS9.
  • Notes: At last notes has become more useful by allowing you to add almost anything including maps, photos, web links check lists and drawings.
  • Music: Plug in your favourite headphones and you will notice a small icon of the music player, tap to play!
  • Battery: As we are always searching for more energy IOS9 now gives us the option to switch to low power mode, select this option and power consumption is reduced until you can get to a charger, it switched off a few background apps and adds around an extra hour usage.
  • Emails: The mail app now allows you to mark your comments directly in mail, just look out for the Markup button


So, this is a quick snap shot of some of the new features of IOS9, of course further information can be found on the apple website site at Apple

About the Author

John Reid

With over 35 years’ experience in all aspects of retirement advice, pension investment planning, and tax efficient investments. He is the current Chairman of the UK investment team and has a degree in Genetics.

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