Queen Elizabeth II

Every so often something momentous happens. The death of Queen Elizabeth II is an event that impacts on the world, whilst also having a particular resonance with most British and Unionist subjects, as well as those who follow the Royals.

I am extremely sad at the moment, and I admit it has hit me harder than expected. Normally, I would not expect anyone outside of the UK, or who has not served under her, to fully understand the impact that she has on my country’s psyche.

There will be tributes written over the coming days that will better sum her up than I feel that I can attempt. For me, Queen Elizabeth was the epitaph of hard work, duty, responsibility and I also found her inspiring in many ways.

She bonded the nation at times with her calm words, something that she learnt during the Second World War from both her father, King George VI, and her mother as well as what turned out to be her first Prime Minister, Winston Churchill in 1952.

Whereas modern day has changed into a society largely driven by personal wants and lack of accepting personal responsibility, she was the complete opposite and an example to us all.

It is a testament to her that even enemies of our state have graced her with praise, and countries that you would expect to exploit any weakness have actually rallied to her subjects. Is there literally anyone else alive that could have achieved this?

The US action of putting its flags at half mast around the world until she is buried is a mark of respect that we can only acknowledge as something remarkable and hugely respectful.

Her crowning achievement will be the Commonwealth, something that barely existed in thought 70 years ago, and has the potential to be far more than it currently is.

The State funeral will be marked with a day off, I have no doubt. The whole of Aisa will shut down that day in a mark of respect to the Queen, my Queen.  The Queen is dead, Long Live the King.

King Charles III has an almost impossible act to follow, and one hopes that his years of preparation for the role and his views on the planet are something that will allow him to establish himself in a role that very few people on the planet could attempt successfully. He will have my full support.

Queen Elizabeth gave remarkable service over eight decades to the United Kingdom and the Commonwealth and Aisa joins with so many around the world in mourning her passing.

James Pearcy-Caldwell (Aisa Group CEO)

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