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A third way: Turning their backs on commission
By Kirsten Hastings | Added 25th February 2016

Read the full article here
James Pearcy-Caldwell, co-founder Aisa, explains why he backs fees over commissions and how his evolving network offers a halfway house for advisers working in Europe.
When former RAF pilot James Pearcy-Caldwell set up financial planning firm Aisa (pronounced A-isa) with business partner Clive Tutton in 1999, they took the unusual step at the time of implementing a fee-only payment structure.
“We have tried to be transparent with clients right from the beginning, so Aisa was set up with a view of being fees-based,” says Pearcy-Caldwell.
The company initially allowed advisers joining the business, who had previously earned commissions, to continue to do so; although this was phased out in 2011. Pearcy-Caldwell and Tutton, however, have always worked on a fee basis.
Aisa, which stands for advanced independent specialist advice, operates in the UK as a chartered financial planning firm and as a certified financial planner in the US; regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority and Securities and Exchange Commission, respectively…

Top 100 Influencers
James Pearcy-Caldwell has won multiple awards for financial advice and built a series of companies in multiple jurisdictions…

Standard Bearer
By Gary Robinson
Published November 2016
James Pearcy-Caldwell of Aisa International, named the first-ever ‘Best Best-Practice’ award winner at International Investment’s 17th annual International Fund & Product Awards, tells how his company is bringing “best practice” approach to new frontiers.

Aisa Group trio pass Czech financial exams
Three members of Aisa Group have added to their qualifications in mainland Europe, with Aisa International’s director, Clive Tutton, Aisa Group CEO, James Caldwell and Chartered Financial Planner, Chris Lean all passing new exams.
After recently obtaining securities qualifications in Cyprus, Aisa focus back to their established office in Prague. Seeking advice from Marta Gellova, President of the EFPA Council in the Czech Republic, they have recently taken and passed the Czech National Bank’s Capital Markets exam which is at Securities traders’ level.

Viewpoint: Offshore financial advice in the post-ROPS, super-transparent era
By James Pearcy-Caldwell
26th April 2017
Expert comment: Aisa International’s James Pearcy-Caldwell, MBMG’s Paul Gambles and Montfort International’s Geraint Davies share their thoughts…

Best Best-Practice
International Investment Awards 2016
Introduced to reflect the challenges and opportunities facing industry professionals as regulatory regimes tighten across the globe and end clients become more demanding in regards to transparency of offerings, this category winner was selected to encourage and foster best-practice attitudes in the community.

International Adviser Awards 2017
Aisa Professional – Winner – Excellence in Investment Planning
Watch Geordie Bulmer talking about winning this award here. Then read the full article by clicking on the link below, you’ll find us on page 6.

What does it take for advice firms to build in-house tech?
International Adviser
Added 20th May 2020
The ability to find solutions while operating efficiently is key to any strategy, writes James Pearcy-Caldwell, chief executive of Europe-based network OpesFidelio; for which he built…

Aisa opens Cyprus office
By Kirsten Hastings
Added 11th Nov 2019
UK-headquartered financial planning firm Aisa Group has opened its seventh office. The group has had clients in Cyprus for several years, and describes the opening of the office in Paphos as “another landmark”…

Three critical areas of client servicing
By James Pearcy-Caldwell
Added 8th Nov 2019
There is the adage that a customer is always right; but, when it comes to financial services, the professional firm is likely to understand and identify the real problem faster than any retail client, writes James Pearcy-Caldwell…

The naked truth about MiFID II
By Shane Wood
Added 19th May 2017
The realities of Mifid II are beginning to dawn as advisers across Europe start to realise that commission transparency will be led by product providers, which could leave them feeling a bit exposed, says Shane Wood, business…

Subject to Change
By James Pearcy-Caldwell
Published December 2016
When investing money on behalf of clients, one of the main concerns is avoiding areas of uncertainty. However, 2017 starts with uncertainty and the US, the UK, the rest of the European Union (rEU) and China, with banking, inflation, government debt and the highest worldwide trending word of 2016 Brexit.

Driving advice in Europe from sales to profession
By Chris Lean
Added 27th October 2017
Advisers in Europe need to embrace the hurricane of legislation that is about to hit them or risk “driving their business into a cul-de-sac with no reverse gear…

Back to basics: life insurance key part of financial planning
By Kirsten Hastings
Added 1st Sept 2017
IHT planning, nil rate bands and replacing pension scheme death benefits are some of the reasons life insurance needs to remain a core part of financial planning…

Hurricane of legislation to hit advisers
By Kirsten Hastings
Added 28th Sept 2017
A hurricane of difficult regulation is to going hit the European financial advice industry, and for some companies and countries it is already too late…

Aisa moves into South Africa with fee-based firm
By Monira Matin
Added 4th January 2017
Cross-border financial planning firm Aisa International has expanded into South Africa after being granted a licence by the country’s financial services regulator…

Three financial adviser initiatives: Aisa
By Mark Battersby
Added 15th June 2016
In the second of our series of insights from financial advisers across the world, James Pearcy-Caldwell, co-founder of financial planning firm Aisa, sets out three initiatives he is taking to…

What is the future for QROPS advice?
By International Adviser
Added 10th April 2014
James Caldwell of the UK advisory firm Aisa Professional and Christopher Lean of Opes Fidelio Aisa’s global network arm look at what the Budget changes will mean for QROPS. In a sentence or two…

Trusts are new tool in Czech Republic
By International Adviser
Published 15th January 2014
Since the beginning of January wealth managers in the Czech Republic have been able to make use of trusts for the first time following extensive changes to the country’s civil laws…

The Czech Republic’s new trust law
By International Adviser
Published 22nd January 2014
The Czech Republic’s trust law is just 23 days old today but already wealth managers there and elsewhere are keen to learn more about it. Here five Czech based experts who were involved…

Revealed: All the winners at the 2017 Retirement Planner Awards
Aisa Professional, Central Wealth Planning, Mazars and Rowley Turton emerged as the four regional winners of the Best Individual Pension Firm accolade at the 2017 Retirement Planner Awards while…

Actives help cushion falls
By Geordie Bulmer
Published May 2020
Some advisers prefer the passive approach. But we have to consider what happens when markets fall – does your investment simply fall as well?
Read Geordie’s article on page 16.

Adviser Profile: Geordie Bulmer of Aisa Group
By Tim Cooper
Published 11 March 2016
The sky is the limit for adviser and competitive skydiver Geordie Bulmer who, having worked under the wing of Wiltshire-based Aisa’s chief executive James Pearcy-Caldwell, is preparing to launch his own retirement planning business. Bulmer joined the group in 2009 and rose quickly…

The Accumulator: Geordie Bulmer of Aisa Professional
By Geordie Bulmer
Published 19 January 2016
Aisa Professional’s Geordie Bulmer mixes investment vehicles to maximise tax efficiency. Every client has different assets and objectives, which can change depending on circumstances…

Advice firm admits website contains inaccuracies
By Ruth Gillbe
Published 20 January 2016
Tim Searle, chairman of Globaleye, said his firm gives the most up to date information it can and added “with the fluidity of Qrops/Qnups it is easy to get out of date”. He made these comments…

Diary of an adviser: Geordie Bulmer of Aisa Professional
By Geordie Bulmer
Published 1 May 2013
Monday. Afternoon included a meeting with a pension consultant where I explained my strategy for auto enrolment. We are setting up a new venture called Aisa Corporate Benefits…
Geordie Bulmer & Inheritance Tax Planning In The UK
Geordie Bulmer is the UK winner in the Inheritance Tax Planning Adviser of the Year category in Finance Monthly’s 2018 Taxation Awards. We caught up with him this month to hear about his win and his work within inheritance tax planning.

Which safe haven assets are worth their weight in gold?
By Jennifer Hill
Published 9 Oct 2017
Stock markets in the developed world have been on a winning streak for more than 100 months – far longer than the average bull run of 64 months. The S&P 500 has risen nearly 350 per cent…

Isas versus Sipps: which is best over 40 years?
By Jennifer Hill
Published 9 Oct 2017
When it comes to drawing an income in retirement, there is one stark diff erence between an Isa and a Sipp: withdrawals from an Isa are tax-free, while only 25 per cent of your pension…

Real Life Case Study: James Pearcy-Caldwell of Aisa
By James Pearcy-Caldwell
Published 8 May 2014
Gavin and Ruth, both aged 53, moved out of the UK on the 15 April 2010 to Cyprus, where they have lived in rented accommodation since. They return occasionally to the UK, but no longer…

Profile: James Caldwell
By Louise Proddow
This ex-Airforce pilot exhibits all the dedication and drive that turns an online venture into an online success. He not only spent two years becoming an IFA, but created the AISA Direct site, which provides internet-based mass market insurance services himself.
If you thought the world of financial services was boring, think again…