Airline Pilots Final Salary Pension Scheme Advice
Are you an Airline Pilot with a Final Salary Pension? Read On.
In these uncertain times, airline pilots may be persuaded to transfer or access their pensions early WITHOUT being informed of the potential pitfalls of doing this.

If you have a transfer value of £250,000 or more (final salary or money purchase) then we can:
Provide information on your options.
Explain why you should consider retaining your pension.
Advise you on how you can transfer overseas.
Help you avoid large transfer charges and unnecessary taxes.
No commission. Our advisers are fee based; they work to benefit you rather than service providers.
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The residency, double tax treaty and local income tax rules need to be considered as part of any pension transfer advice. Failure to take account of these could result in SIGNIFICANT tax demands.
Airline Pilots Final Salary Pensions
Many airline pilots are members of Final Salary pension schemes.
Often have large transfer values that make them susceptible to commission-based salespeople who would benefit from the transfer.
Typically, airline pilots with Final Salary pensions are internationally mobile – requiring a higher level of advice.
* All non-UK residents obtain UK-standard pension transfer advice from us, irrespective of residency.
Due to the often transient nature of overseas and travel industry employment, care should be taken BEFORE transferring any guaranteed pension scheme WITHOUT reference to UK-standard Chartered-level advice OR considering the substantial tax that could become payable as a result of the transfer.
Receive advice on what the best options are for your retirement.
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Airline pilots with Final Salary Pension Schemes – Avoid high taxes and commission, and find out what is best for your retirement.
Friendly overseas pensions and investment advice from an award-winning group of firms.
We all want to maximise the growth for the risk we take. You can do this by minimising charges, avoiding hidden commissions and following a risk-based investment plan.
Higher charges and commission mean your investment requires higher growth. Higher required growth means more risk! Lower charges with no commission means less risk for you and more growth! We can show you how to minimise the charges, increase the growth by using regulated firms that offer low charged products, and set in place investment plans.
As an expatriate, you may also have the advantage of being able to obtain greater growth on your pensions and investments.
Watch our video to find out how to achieve the best outcomes with a Final Salary Transfer and how NOT to be overcharged or scammed!
Over 200 independent judges have presented us with 20+ International & UK Awards making us the choice of professionals for pension and investment advice since 2009.

Challenging the status quo.
Over the last 20 years we have wanted to change the status quo by focusing on making life better for consumers. Ferocious independence, due diligence, robust research, strict governance and procedures aligned with transparency on fees, charges and the “truth” have helped establish us as the “go to” award winning financial adviser.

Our research and persistence liaising with providers to deliver what is good for you, the consumer, means we can provide TailorMade intelligent solutions putting you first.
We provide a customer charter to our clients, and PLEASE NOTE we offer the most competitive terms, bettering any legitimate deal that can be evidenced.
We deal exclusively with pension providers that comply with both the spirit and the letter of the UK and US regulations.
We believe this to be in the best interests of our clients and in our own professional best interests. Uniquely we offer the best award winning UK IFA spectrum, combined with international experience and knowledge.
Our expert knowledge is provided by the “Aisa Group”. Internationally we have several firms in different countries both within Europe (including the UK) and outside of Europe, often known as Aisa International.
Aisa Group have been acclaimed in the UK for pensions, investment and tax advice – multiple finalists and 20+ times award winners between 2009 and 2018 including UK Investment Excellence awards, UK Pension Awards won and tax planning awards from publications including FT.
Why should you put up with hidden commission and charges?
We have built a system that will provide you with a FREE risk assessment report, and a FREE summary outlining your own personalised financial health check. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain.
The worst case scenario is that you discover a fantastic system that will allow you to update your information and complete reviews in the future*. Most people want to know if their pension and savings are in the best place already, whilst also making future plans.
If you have a minimum of £250,000 and are one of those people who want to know about the most advantageous charges and access (if you are reading this, then you probably are) then why waste more time?
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* The first review is free. We reserve the right to charge fees in the future for the use of software and reports.

Why should you put up with hidden commission and charges?
We have built a system that will provide you with a FREE risk assessment report, and a FREE summary outlining your own personalised financial health check. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain.
The worst case scenario is that you discover a fantastic system that will allow you to update your information and complete reviews in the future*. Most people want to know if their pension and savings are in the best place already, whilst also making future plans.
If you have a minimum of £250,000 and are one of those people who want to know about the most advantageous charges and access (if you are reading this, then you probably are) then why waste more time?
Yes! I would like to download my FREE Guide to Investing
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* The first review is free. We reserve the right to charge fees in the future for the use of software and reports.

Advice provided by the multi-award winning Aisa Group.