Our award winning advisers give the low down on how you can avoid unnecessary offshore bond charges.
4 key questions you need to ask yourself:
Did you receive free advice? (The Provider paid your fee)
Have you been advised that your investment costs 1% per annum, or is locked up for a minimum time period?
Are your investment assets held within companies such as RL360, OMI, Friends Provident International, Zurich, SEB, Generali, Hansard, Investors Trust?
Are some or all of your investments in non-regulated, structured or esoteric funds?
If you answered ‘Yes’ to at least 3 of these, you should take action, or you will lose out on future investment returns.
If you answered ‘Yes’ to all 4, then the chances are you have already lost part of your investment funds, and compromised your future investment returns. You need take action immediately.
If you do not understand the significance of these questions you need advice now!
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You have been told that it was beneficial for you to invest using an offshore bond “wrapper”.
Think again. Our case study below shows what can happen!
Are you one of the 73% who have been lied to, and are about to lose funds needed in your retirement?**
Nigel, not his real name, was sold an offshore bond in a QROPS on the basis that it would be better for tax, more flexible access, highly protected and would remove it “from the clutches of the Treasury” in the UK.
What was Nigel told?
He was told it had a 1% annual charge plus trustee fees of €500 per annum. He was promised double digit returns if he locked part of his money up for 6 years.
What happened next?
If Nigel’s story is your story, then his outcome could be your outcome. Nigel lost his pension and his retirement was destroyed.
What should you check now to avoid this?
Nigel did not know what an insurance bond wrapper was. Why would he and why would you? However, it is critical.
You will have been told an insurance bond wrapper is an investment bond or fund platform or investment manager or tax efficient vehicle. There are many ways to describe it, but it can be a force for good or one of the most damaging products you can own. It’s also completely unnecessary in a QROPS or a SIPP!
How bad is your problem?
If an insurance bond is unnecessary, why would it be sold to you inside a QROPS or SIPP. Remember question 1 above, and the idea that you did not have to pay for advice? The insurance bond wrapper can pay a large commission to unscrupulous salesman. Along with other commission products it can be up to 13% of your fund.
Nigel lost most of his money in his QROPS. He had no reason to think that he had any problem until the salesman disappeared. He had been lied to by his adviser and the chances are, if you are like Nigel, and your salesman is telling that the charges are only 1% per annum, then your salesman lied to you as well.
Commission means 4 things:
You pay much higher charges for years linked to the commission.
You have an access surrender charge on your fund(s) of up to 10%.
You pay additional higher charges linked to funds. Often double.
You may have been placed in higher risk investments to compensate for charges.
In addition to all these higher charges, we find that in many cases, you will have been also put in other commission generating products.
There is a possible solution, but it cannot help everyone!
What is the solution?
If you are concerned about your investment, or the person who sold it to you has disappeared, or you are only contacted to “switch” your investments around (generating more commission) then:
You should stop switching funds immediately.
Avoid locking your funds into further 5 or 6 year term investments.
Invest using clean share classes where possible, or obtain managed portfolios linked to your risk.
If you have a pension, you should ask your trustees why they permitted your pension to be invested in an insurance bond, and also what due diligence they did on the adviser who gave the advice they followed. Ask them to find out your insurance bond surrender penalty.
Ask for a professional to assess your risk and target for retirement. Maybe, pay for a report.
Ensure your professional is registered with the regulator in your country AND openly declares third party connections in other regulated territories AND allows you to vet them.
Avoid further loss of your future investment growth by taking action now.
If you do not know how to do part or all of the above. If you want to avoid losing your future investment growth. Our recommendation to you would be to contact a fee based adviser who will help you get back on track with your pension.
Don’t be Nigel, and have to return to work when you thought you should have retired. Take action now or take the consequences in your future retirement.
Watch our video to find out more. However, if you want our help, please understand we cannot help everybody and we will be upfront with you.
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Challenging the status quo
Over the last 20 years we have wanted to change the status quo by focusing on making life better for consumers. Ferocious independence, due diligence, robust research, strict governance and procedures aligned with transparency on fees, charges and the “truth” have helped establish us as the “go to” award winning financial adviser.
Our research and persistence liaising with providers to deliver what is good for you, the consumer, means we can provide TailorMade intelligent solutions putting you first.
We provide a customer charter to our clients, and PLEASE NOTE we offer the most competitive terms, bettering any legitimate deal that can be evidenced.
We deal exclusively with pension providers that comply with both the spirit and the letter of the UK and US regulations.
We believe this to be in the best interests of our clients and in our own professional best interests. Uniquely we offer the best award winning UK IFA spectrum, combined with international experience and knowledge.
Our expert knowledge is provided by the “Aisa Group”. Internationally we have several firms in different countries both within Europe (including the UK) and outside of Europe, often known as Aisa International.
Aisa Group have been acclaimed in the UK for pensions, investment and tax advice – multiple finalists and 20+ times award winners between 2009 and 2018 including UK Investment Excellence awards, UK Pension Awards won and tax planning awards from publications including FT.
Why should you put up with hidden commission and charges?
We have built a system that will provide you with a FREE risk assessment report, and a FREE summary outlining your own personalised financial health check. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain.
The worst case scenario is that you discover a fantastic system that will allow you to update your information and complete reviews in the future*. Most people want to know if their pension and savings are in the best place already, whilst also making future plans.
If you have a minimum of £250,000 and are one of those people who want to know about the most advantageous charges and access (if you are reading this, then you probably are) then why waste more time?
Yes! I would like to download my
FREE Brochure
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* The first review is free. We reserve the right to charge fees in the future for the use of software and reports.

Why should you put up with hidden commission and charges?
We have built a system that will provide you with a FREE risk assessment report, and a FREE summary outlining your own personalised financial health check. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain.
The worst case scenario is that you discover a fantastic system that will allow you to update your information and complete reviews in the future*. Most people want to know if their pension and savings are in the best place already, whilst also making future plans.
If you have a minimum of £250,000 and are one of those people who want to know about the most advantageous charges and access (if you are reading this, then you probably are) then why waste more time?
Yes! I would like to download my FREE Brochure providing KEY information.
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* The first review is free. We reserve the right to charge fees in the future for the use of software and reports.
** We have received over 200 enquiries between January 2017 and December 2017 from people sold QROPS with 73% of them in distress, and who were not told the correct charges on their products. Many of them had hidden commissions and lock-in penalties, some up to 10 years.

Advice provided by the multi-award winning Aisa Group.